"I have become infatuated with you,

and I must reveal to you who you are."

-Oscar Wilde

As the clouds begin to move, the gears of fate begin to turn.

Look at the light in that crevice...
You touch it with your hand.

It went through the clouds...

Through the air...

Through your fingertips...

You think you're exposed the secrets of the world,

But that's just dust left over from billions of years ago...

The light began to dim...
The sun will never stay for you.
The vibrant light is fading, and you begin to feel fear.
Behind the light is the night.
You walk slowly forward...
There were flashes of white light
They were floating in rhythm, like fish swim...
What's that? You get closer and closer...

The waves are proof of light in this dark world...
Lights can be anything, they can possess anything...
You are deeply attracted by this magical scene...
You start drawing what they look like...

Quietly, the fish began to gather together...
They make up your shape...
Now...You become the light...